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Creating the visual mythology of TALON!


Before anyone working on the TALON site spent their lives hunting down rare earth and animal lib zines, our time was spent collecting comic books. From the superheros of our youth to the underground treasures discovered in our early 20s, comics have been an influence on our lives and projects.

When we started this site we wanted the visual aspect to reflect this love for graphic literature. With an eye towards mocking the FBI’s portrayal of animal liberation radicals, we wanted images of an animal masked paramilitary organization conspiring to change the world through direct action and digital zine distribution. In this way we figured we could set ourselves apart from other archive sites and have a little fun. The problem? We can’t draw!

Luckily, some very talented artists out there are helping us create the characters that populate TALON’s world. Our first contribution comes from Anthony Sorge, author and artist for the amazing Crust Dog comics. His rendition of the RABBIT COMMANDOES is, hopefully, just the beginning of our collection of characters for this site.

Got some artistic talent? Want to help us fulfill our comic nerd aspirations while we grow the archive? Please contact us HERE to apply.
