Do Or Die #1-10 (1993-2003, Brighton, England.)
A few years ago a friend asked me if I had a complete set of Do or Die, the British Earth First! publication that inspired and incited eco-warriors throughout the 1990s and early 2000s. At one time I did have them, but they had long since been stolen by a Joint Terrorism Task Force.
After a brief discussion, we decided that Do or Die was too important to fade into obscurity. We began tracking down each issue, and decided that while we were at it we ought to archive some other publications as well. That effort is how this web site began, and now, thanks to 56a infoshop of South London and Tim @ NEDS Northampton, we can finally share the very rare issue #2. This completes our collection, and our original mission as well.
When read as a set, Do or Die is a chronicle of people from across the globe counter-striking capitalism, ecocide, and the state. Each issue is better than the last, but more importantly, each page is a spark licking at the fuse of the bomb that is your heart. Once lit, you’ll know that these pages are not mere history, but a reminder that we can explode onto the world stage like the fighters before us have. Do or die, now is the time to rise.
Tags: 1990s, 2000s, A320 Campaign, Acteal murders, Animal Liberation Front, Anti-Civilization, Anti-Colonialism, Anti-Fascist, Anti-Globalization, Anti-GMO, Anti-Nuclear, Anti-Roads, Black Panthers, British Police State, Cascadia, Civil Disobedience, Cointelpro, Crucial, Daylight Raids, Derbyshire Daylight Sabotage, Diary of Actions, DIY Media, Earth First!, Earth Liberation Front, Enviro-Labor Coalitions, Environmental Rangers militia, EZLN, Farmaggedon Campaign, Feminism, First Hand Account, GANDALF Trial, Global Warming, Golden Hill Campaign, Hacktivism, Hunt Sabotage, Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), International Actions, International Coverage, Intersectionality, J18, Jill Phipps, John Zerzan, Judi Bari, Louise Michel, Luddite History, Mary Wollstonecraft, May 1968, MOVE, Movimento sen Terra, Newbury Campaign, No Opencast, Non-Human Direct Action, Offham Victory, Philosophy of Direct Action, Primer/How-To, Primitivism, Prison Abolition, Prison Support, Rabbix, Reclaim the Streets, Rod Coronado, Security Culture, Sexism in the Movement, SHAC Campaign, Shell Campaign, Situationist International, Squatting, Swampy, The Mau Mau, Thomas (Tom) Worby, Twyford Down, Undercurrents, Vail Arson, Violence Debate, Voltairine DeCleyre, Wilderness Defense, Woodland Awareness and Network of Defense, WTO, Ya Basta!, Zapatistas