TALON’S Most Wanted

If you have any old, rare publications with a focus on animal rights and environmental protest actions, don’t just let them gather dust on a shelf when they could be utilized instead to advance the ZINESTORM! TALON is seeking the following titles (and more).  Contact us HERE if you have any of these publications.


Animal Liberation News Service (1976)
Frontline News #2
Any Liberation League newsletters, especially Target or NALL!
The Hillgrove Newsletter #2
Any Consort Campaign materials
Any 1960s HSA materials, such as newsletters, fundraising letters, etc.
Fox Cub newsletters.


Flesh and Blood #9
Holocaust, all issues except #4
Memphis Vegan, all except issue #5
Out of the Cages #1-5
Rights, Camera, Action! all issues
Still Angry, all issues
Action for Animals Newsletter, all issues except #1-3 (Australia)
Action Report, all issues except #1 (Australia)
Action Reports (UK)
Agitator, all issues except #1. (Australia)
ALFSG Montreal Newsletter
ALFSG Newsletter (France)
Animosity, all except for #2
Animal (British football and animal liberation magazine)
Animals Defender
Animal Liberation Primer, edition 1
As Long as There Are Slaughterhouses There Will Be Battlefields
CAW Bulletin
Defiance, all except #1
Direct Action Animal Bulletin (UK)
Direct Action For Animals – “Leaflet” ALF interview
Green Pepper
Happy Meal, all issues
History Of The American ALF – Diary Of Actions 77-95
Huddersfield 4 / State 0
Interviews With California ALF Activists
Into the 90s with the ALF
Press Clippings – news clippings from major ALF actions dating back to the 80’s (49 p zine)
R@T, all issues.
Road Raging
Schism, all issues
Their Lives Are In Your Hands
Turning Point- contact us for the issues we currently need
Vegan Info, all issues
Voice, all issues (Germany)