
One-off publications

Nighttime Gardener


Nighttime Gardener: A Guide for the Shy Gardener in North America (2000, United States.)

Originally released to coincide with the WTO protests, Nighttime Gardener quickly became the standard primer on anti-bioengineering crop pulls. These actions, which were once popular all across the world, were aimed at preventing GM cross contamination with other agriculture, and also at causing delays in research of “Frankenfoods.”

There has been an unfortunate slow down in sabotage of genetically-manipulated crops in the last decade. This may be due in part to the overwhelming public sentiment against such technologies as “terminator seeds,” or it may be another sad byproduct of the Green Scare. Regardless, the hey day of then anti-GM movement was well documented, and we will do out best to keep it archived here at TALON.

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