How to Sink Whalers, Driftnetters, and Other Environmentally Destructive Ships (1993, Chica, CA. USA)
The scuttling of ships used to harm the ocean has a long and proud tradition in our movement. Classically, large boats were sunk with limpet mines attached magnetically to their hulls, but another method became popular in 1986 when David Howitt and Rod Coronado sank two boats in harbor in Iceland by opening the sea water intake valves and allowing the ocean to claim these destructive vessels. Their method, originally published as an epilogue in later editions of Dave Foreman and Bill Haywood’s Ecodefense, was later excerpted for publication in this little zine format gem.
Tags: 1980s, 1990s, Anti-Whaling, Ocean Defense, Primer/How-To, Rod Coronado