S.A.R.P. Newsletter #12-15 (1993 – Northampton, England)
Only a few short years after reforming Support Animal Rights Prisoners, the contributors to the project (primarily Barry Horne) threw in the towel. Their raison d’être was being fulfilled by the ALF SG newsletters, and Barry felt as if the group wasn’t having the unifying, inspirational impact that he had hoped for. The final issue, mostly written by press officer Robin Webb, starts off light and positive, but ends with an angry missive from Horne accusing most activists of being mere radical t-shirt collectors rather than actual radicals. Across the span of decades and beyond even his own death, this stab at those unwilling to fight for liberation still hits its mark. It is a sad ending to an information packed publication, but not every issue of this last year of SARP is so intense. Tiny fragments of our history fall off these pages like gold dust- collect them together and you have a treasure. Barry might have died on hunger strike, but he did not leave us behind. His words and actions will continue to remind us where we came from, and for whom we fight. Rest in peace, comrade, and thank you for all you have given us…
Tags: 1990s, Animal Liberation Front, Animal Rights Militia, Barry Horne, Coalition to Abolish Fur Farms, Coalition to Abolish the Fur Trade, Darren Thurston (snitch), Grand Jury, Huddersfield 4, Hunt Saboteurs Association, Ingrid Newkirk, Jonathan Paul, Keith Mann, Lise Olsen, McLibel Case, Mike Hill, Nancy Phipps, Northern Ireland Hunt Saboteurs Association, Operation Bite Back, Robin Webb, Rod Coronado